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OPIC / 유형 익히기 본문
유형 01 . 자기소개하기
[이름], [나이], [직업], [사는곳], [하는 일], [취미], [성격], [미래의 꿈]
Hi, I'm Jiwon. Just call me Won will be okay :)
I'm 23 years old and I'm a senior student in Konkuk university.
And also I live in a house in Seoul with my parents now. (my loving family members)
These days, I'm looking for a job in the field of engineering.
I'd like to work in this field because I studied software engineering in university.
I'm pretty good with make something and give help to others.
When I want to have some fun(In my free time), I watch TV shows or go to exercise.
I like these activities because they let me kick back and relax (help me stay fit / give me time to collect my thoughts.)
As for my personality, I tend to be a bit introverted and also a bit extroverted.
It can sound weird to you, but I have both side!
I prefer listening to people rather than doing the talking myself.
(I generally find other people's stories much more interesting than mine.)
By the way , I have a large circle of friends and love to make new friends.
I'd really like to work for a software engineering firm.
As you know, because of the Corona Virus, the job market is very competitive and finding a job that I want is frustrating.
In order to get into my favorite company, English is a must.
This is why I'm preparing for and taking this OPIC test, so that I can give myself more options.
유형 02. 대상 설명하기 (1) - 인물
[학생] |
[영화보기] I'd like you to tell me about your favorite actor. - Who is the actor? - What movies has he or she starred in? - What do you like most about him or her? - Please tell me about the actor in as much detail as possible. |
[음악감상] Tell me about your favorite musician or singer. -What kind of songs does he or she sing? - Why do you like him or her? - Describe him or her in as much detail as possible. |
[건강.병원] Tell me about a healthy person you know. - What does he or she look like? - What kind of food does he or she like to eat? - How did you meet him or her? - Provide as many details as possible. |
공통점 : 인물에 대해 설명하라
중요 포인트
* 항상 현재 시제 사용
* 인물의 특징 설명하기 (외모 / 성격 등)
* 인물을 좋아하는 이유 포함하기
* 스토리 적용하기 전략
유형 03. 대상 설명하기 (2) - 장소
[거주지] I'd like to know about the place where you live. - Do you live in an apartment or a house? - What does it look like? - How many rooms does it have? - Describe it in as much detail as possible. |
[공원가기] Please tell me about the park you like to go to. - Where is it located, and what does it look like? - What makes it special? |
[국내여행] Where do you like to visit? - Which do you prefer, mountains or beaches? - Describe the place you like to visit and why you like to go there. |
[호텔] Tell me about the hotels in your country. - Where are they usually located? - Do they have any facilities that are unique to your country? - Give as many details as possible. |
* 항상 현재 시제 사용
* 왼쪽과 오른쪽으로 나눠 설명하기
* 좋아하는 이유도 함께 설명하기
* 마지막 방문에 대해 이야기하기 (과거 시제)
유형 04. 대상 설명하기 (3) - 사물
[학생] Which classes are you taking this semester? - What are they about? - Please focus on one or two, and describe them in detail. |
[SNS에 글 올리기] Tell me about your favorite social network. - What is it? - What kind of features does it have? - For what purpose do you use it? |
[자전거] Tell me about your bicycle. - What does it look like? - When did you buy it? - Why do you like it? |
[교통수단] Can you tell me about the public transportaion system in your country? - Which type of transportation do you use the most and why? - Give me as many details as possible. |
* 항상 현재시제 사용하기
* 다양한 연결어 사용하기
* 스토리 나누기 전략 ( 자전거 자체에 대해 설명하기 보다는 언제 샀는가, 어디서 샀는가 등등)
* 필러 사용하기
유형 05. 두 가지 대상 비교하기
[동네 및 이웃] Compare your neighborhood when you were growing up to how it is today. - What has changed from the past? - Please describe the differences in detail. |
[요리하기] Can you compare the food in your country with the food in another country? - How are they differnt? - Is it the cooking method or the ingredients that mainly differ? |
[조깅] Please choose one sport such as swimming or cycling and compare it with jogging. - Are they and similarities between the two? - What are the differences between them? - Please talk about the activities in detail. |
[도서관] What did the library you visited in your childhood look like? - Are there any differences between it and the library you go to these days? - Explain in detail. |
- 과거 vs 현재 / A vs B
* 본인의 선호까지 이야기하기
* 각각 설명하기 vs 유사점>다른점
* 기본 틀을 비슷하게 맞추기
ex) In the past, Back then(그 당시), When I was young, These days, Nowadays ...
유형 06. 습관/경향에 대해 말하기
[집에서 보내는 휴가] How do you spend your vacations at home? - What do you usually do? - Give me as many details as possible. |
[인터넷 서핑] Everyone uses the Internet these days. - Where and when do you use it? - What do you mainly use the Internet for? |
* 현재 시제 사용하기
* 육하원칙 떠올리기
* 마지막 경험에 대해 이야기하기 (과거시제)
* 스토리 적용하기 전략
유형 07. 기억에 남는 경험 말하기
[동네 및 이웃] Please tell me about a memorable experience you have had in your neighborhood. - When and where did it occur? - What happened that made the experience so memorable? - Please describe it in detail. |
[요리하기] Tell me about an interesting or memorable experience that you have had while cooking. - What did you cook? - What made the experience so memorable? - Please describe it in detail. |
[국내.해외 여행] What is the most memorable experience you have had while traveling? - When and where did you go? - What happened? - Why was it memorable? - Describe the experience in detail. |
[날씨] Have you ever had a memorable or unexpeted experience because of unusual weather conditions? - When was it? - What happened? - Tell me about it in as much detail as possible. |
* 과거 시제 사용하기
* 전달력이 중요함!
* 서론, 본론, 결론을 확실하게
* 마무리는 느낌 or 배운점
유형 08. 시간 순서대로 설명 하기
[요리하기] What's your favorite food to cook? - How do you prepare it? - Do you have a special recipe? - Please describe the cooking process from beginning to end. |
[수영] Can you tell me about the last time you went swimming? - What did you do before you went swimming? - What did you do afterword? - Tell me about all the things you did on that particular day. |
[재활용] How do you recycle at home? - When and how often do you recycle? - Describe each step of the process from beginning to end. |
* 현재 시제인지 과거 시제인지 파악하기
* 스토리 라인 잘 생각하기
* 서론 본론 결론 정확히
* 스토리 나누기 전략
유형 09. 시간 순서대로 설명 하기
[콘서트] How did you first become interested in going to concerts? - When did you start? - What made you become interested in them? - Please explain in as much detail as possible. |
[음악 감상하기] When and how did you first start listening to music? - Has your taste in music changed since then? - Tell me about th changes in your musical tastes. |
[독서] What made you interested in reding? - When did you first start reading books? - Did anyone influence this decision? - How has reading affected your life? |
[야구] When did you first playing baseball? - How did you become interested in it? - Who taught you how to play? |
* 과거시제와 현재 시제 둘 다 사용하기
* 현재는 어떤 상태인지로 마무리
* 서론 본론 결론 확실히 하기
* 스토리 적용하기 전략
유형 10. 문제 해결 경험 말하기
[사는 곳] Have you ever had any problems with your home? - What was the problem, and how did you deal with it? - How did the problem turn out? - Give me as many details as possible. |
[국내.해외 여행] You may have faced a problem while on a trip. - What kind of situation was it? - What happened? - How did you handle the problem? - Did you get any help from other people? |
[가구.가전] Can you remember a time when you borrowed an electronic appliance that became damaged or broken? - What was the problem, and how did it happen? - How did you solve it? |
* 과거 시제 사용하기
* 기본 틀을 비슷하게 맞추기
(I'm so suprised , As a result ..)
* 서론 본론 결론 확실히 하기
* 결론은 느낀점, 배운점
유형 11. 규칙/방법 설명하기
악기 연주 방법 설명하기 / 축구.야구.농구 rule 설명 |
* 현재 시제 사용하기
* 200% 준비해가기
* 스토리 나누기 전략
* 어렵다면 피하기
유형 12. 이슈 설명하고 나의 의견 말하기
[업무] People have to work overtime sometimes. They might stay late at the office or even work during the weekend. Has there ever been an issue related to overtime work discussed among you and your coworkers? Tell me about the issue. What is your opinion about it and why? |
[집에서 보내는 휴가] What do you think people need vacations? What purposes do you think vacations have for different people? How do people approach their vacations differnetly? |
[영화보기] I'd like to know about a major issue or concern affecting the movie industry these days. What is the issue? How is it affecting the lives of people? What needs to be done to address this issue? Please explain in detail. |
[동네 및 이웃] I'd like to know about the issues related to your neighborhood. How did they start and what effect have they had on your community? What is your opinion regarding these issues? Tell me in as many details as possible. |
[집에서 일어나는 이슈] |
* 현재 시제 사용하기 (의견)
* 하고 싶은 말이 아니라 할 수 있는 말 하기
* 반드시 준비해야 하는 것들은 정해져있음
* 해결책과 본인의 스토리 및 생각 이야기하기
단어 From this incident frustrating : 불쾌감을 주는 pickpocket : 소매치기 alien : 이질적인 isolated : 외딴
Pillers What else.. Another thing about my ~~ is Let me see.. |
생각해보기 * Aerobic exercise : 유산소 운동 Resistance exercise : 근력 운동
* 요리, 유튜브 묶어서 백종원 유튜브 보는걸로 * 옛날 대림, 지금 상도 노빌리티 비교 / 문제 해결 * 교환학생 갔다가 코로나 터진 일 * 뭔가를 열중해서 하다보면 그게 일이든 노는 것이든 다른 일을 하는 시간은 필요하다. * 흡연문제 (흡연하는 사람들의 의견은 존중하지만, 하지 않는 사람들의 의견도 존중해야 한다고 생각한다. 간접흡연 문제가 심각한 만큼 그에 대한 대안이 필요하다. 대안으로는 흡연부스 설치, 흡연 공간 분리, 근본적으로는 금연 홍보하기 등이 있다. |
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