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[OPIC] Survey 선택 + 예상 질문 & 답변(Script) 본문


[OPIC] Survey 선택 + 예상 질문 & 답변(Script)

I-one 2022. 3. 28. 21:57

오픽 전부터 봐야지 봐야지 하고 미루다가 최근에 삼성 원서 쓰는데 필요해져서 갑자기 보고 왔다.

토욜일인가 시험이었는데 그 주 수요일에 원서 접수, 결제했고 이틀 정도 예상답변 파파고 돌려가면서 준비했다.

도움이 될 지는 모르겠지만.. 내가 준비했던 스크립트를 살포시 올려놓겠다.

준비방법 - 짧게 준비했기 때문에 아래와 같이 준비했다.

나는 내가 선택한 서베이에 나오는 예상질문을 놓고, (한 서베이에 질문 2-3개정도 있더라)

파파고에 한글로 먼저 친다음에, 그걸 보기 좋게 좀 다듬는 방향으로 준비했다.

한 번이라도 소재 생각해보고 1차:파파고 2차:내가 수정 이렇게 하면 머리에 남아서 좋더라.

0. 서베이 질문 선택하기

1. 선택한 서베이에 해당하는 대표 질문들 2-3개 정도 추려오기

2. 그 질문들에 대한 한글 대답 작성하고 파파고 돌려보기

3. 매끄럽게 수정(그냥 딱 봤을 때 번역기 돌린 티 안날정도로만 수정했다. 파파고가 완벽하진 않더라)

4. 소재같은거 1,2번에서 이미 생각했으므로 두세번정도 쓴거 안보고 답해보기

이런식으로 연습하면 될 듯하다

파파고 짱.

아래에 예시 스크립트 올려놓겠다.



IL만 있으면 돼서 부담 안가지고 봤는데,

기분좋게 잘나왔다ㅎ_ㅎ


- 첫번째 질문부터 recycle나왔는데, 요즘 너무 흔하게 나오는 것 같아서 준비안했는데 나와서 놀랐다.

- 그리고 중간에 Eva가 질문하는데 한 질문에 이거는 아니? 이거 설명해줘. 그리고 이것도. 막 이런식으로 질문이 너무 많이하길래

"아니 Eva(에바)야,, 너 질문이 좀 많다? ㅎㅎ.. 나 너 질문 다 기억 안나는데 그냥 내맘대로 기억나는거 설명할게^^" 이런 뉘앙스로 답하고 내맘대로 답한거 있다

질문 하나에는 하나만 물어봐야지.. 에바야..^^



== 아래는 그냥 얘가 이런식으로 준비했구나, 식으로만 참고하면 될 듯 하다===

(아래 내용을 외우거나 하는 것은 별로고 자기에 맞춰서 새로 준비하는게 좋을듯? 오픽은 자기 경험 말하는 시험이니까 각자 자주 말하는 표현도, 필러도, 단어도 다를 것이기 때문)

(참고로 스크립트는 다 진짜 내 얘기를 썼다. 시험장 가서 기억안나면 진짜 내얘기 해야하니까 , 그리고 지어내는것보다 내얘기하는게 더 편하다 실제로)

1. Survey - 나한테 맞게 + 쉽게 선택했다.

  • 일 경험 없음
  • 학생입니까? - 아니요
  • 최근 어떤 강의 수강? - 수업 등록 후 5년
  • 어디 살고 계십니까? - 가족과 함께 거주
  • 여가활동 - 영화보기, 공연보기, 해변가기, 콘서트보기, 공원가기, 쇼핑하기
  • 취미 - 음악 감상하기
  • 운동 - 자전거,조깅,걷기,운동을전혀하지않음
  • 휴가 - 국내여행,해외여행

2. 필러 - 여기저기서 주워담은 필러들 (참고만했다) (오픽노잼 등..?)

  • Music? Hmm.. Interesting / let me see
  • I would have to say ~
  • To be honest ~
  • In my opinion ~
  • Let's get along well today.
  • Since ~~
  • I think that / I guess / I suppose ~
  • ... so on

I think/guess/suppose What I'm trying to say is~ You see 알다싶이 At the end of the day+결론 You know[ya know] Kinda/sorta 약간

or something stuff like that Something like that things like that: 그런것들 You know what I mean

Do you know what I mean If you know what I mean 그거 아시잖아요 *필러쓰고 뒷말은 빠르게

Well, Ok, So/, Like(다됨) Basically, actually, literally, seriously


3. 자기소개 - 어차피 크게 반영 안된다고 해서 짧게 했다. 

Hi, My name is OOO. You can call me just Won.

I’m 25 years old and I’m now looking for my future job,

So, that’s why I’m on the testing now. Let’s get along well today, thank you~!


4. 표현 - 준비하면서 딱 생각안나서 파파고 돌려본 표현들

  1. 좀 더 설명을 해줄게
    • To explain a bit more
  2. 너도 경험 해봤으면 좋겠어
    • If you have a chance, I want you to experience it later.
  3. 시간이 많이 지나서 생각을 좀 해볼게
    • I think I need to think about it because a lot of time has passed.
  4. 집에서 가까워
    • it’s very close to my house
  5. 마음이 편안해져
    • I feel comfortable , mind comes peaceful
    • just walking without any thoughts.
    • it makes me relaxed
    • relieve my stress from the work
  6. 대신 이걸 말할게
    • Instead, I'll say this.
  7. 2년 전에
    • 2 years ago,
    • Maybe that was about 10 years ago,
  8. 많은 것이 기술적으로 변했어
    • Technically, a lot of things have changed.
  9. 다시 힘내서 일상으로 돌아갈 수 있어
    • I cheer up again and go back to my daily life.
  10. 계절과 상관없이
    • Regardless of the season,

5. 단어 - 딱 생각 안나던 단어들

  • Graduation ceremony
  • 접근성이 좋아 Accessible
  • grass 잔디 , mat 돗자리 , butt 엉덩이
  • Exchange student, exchange student program
  • drive a nail 못을 박다
  • prevent 예방하다
  • impressive 인상적이다
  • take up 시간을 차지한다 , 공간을 차지한다

카테고리 - 예시 스크립트

1. 집

  1. 집을 묘사해줘

1. You indicated in the survey that you live in an apartment. Could you please give me a detailed description of your house? What kinds of rooms do you have in your house? Please tell me in detail.

You know, I live in apartment now

You asked me to tell in detail, so I'll explain the furniture.

First of all, there are three rooms and a living room and a kitchen.

There is a sofa in the living room, a styler, a TV, a vacuum cleaner and so on.

There’s a living room right next to the kitchen, there are ovens, air fryers, refrigerators

Actually I don't know much about the kitchen because I don't cook often.

By the way, there are three other rooms, one for parents, one for younger brother, and one for me.

Like a normal people's rooms, my room has beds, desks, bookshelves, and closets.

If you have any question, you can ask more.

2. Compare the home you lived in before to the one you live in now. What are the differences between those two homes? Describe them in as much detail as possible

The biggest difference is the elevator.

There was no elevator in the house I lived in elementary school.

At that time, I lived on the fifth floor, but beacuse it didn’t have elevator,

I remember having a hard time going up and down every day.

But it was good to be able to exercise in everyday life.

On the contrast, My house is on the 22nd floor. There must be an elevator. If I don't have it, I'm going to die.

Thankful to the elevator, I can go up and down so convenient, and I think it’s very wonderful invention I love it!

3. I would like to know about your neighborhood. What does your neighborhood look like? Please describe your neighborhood in as much detail as possible.

I'm living in an apartment now. It's in Seoul, and you can say it's a completely.

I've been living here since I was in elementary school, so I'm totally used to this location.

I like it because there are many restaurants I've been to since I was young.

And also the point that I love is public transportation system. It is the middle of the Seoul, so I can go anywhere without a car.

4. Can you tell me about your neighborhoods? Describe one of your neighbors in detail. How did you first become acquainted with that neighbor? Are you close to the person? What do you usually do together?

As you know, I live in an apartment, but there are only two houses on my floor.

That's why I'm not close to my neighbors.

And I went to school both high school and university a little far, so I don't have friends in the same apartment or neighborhood. It's really sad, right?

I hope I can make a neighborhood friend someday.

5. Please tell me about a memorable experience you have had in your neighborhood. When and where did it occur? What happened that made the experience so memorable? Please describe it in detail.

I've lived here for a long time, so I have a lot of memories.

But the most memorable memory was when I went to elementary school for the first time.

I was on my way to school holding my mom's hand, but I got lost with my mom! Fortunately, I found my way to school well. I remember it even after some time. I guess I was surprised.

2. 공원

1. 기억에 남는 경험

교환학생 친구들이랑 같이 있었던 날이 기억나

독일 친구가 한국에 와서 다같이 한강을 소개시켜줬어

우리는 돗자리깔고 앉아서 피자,치킨,라면을 시켜먹었어

너무 맛있었고 한강의 분위기가 너무 좋았어

독일 친구도 마음에 들어했고, 한국의 좋은 곳을 소개시켜줄 수 있어서 좋았어

I remember when I was with exchange students.

My German friend came to Korea and we introduced him Han River.

We sat on a mat and ordered pizza, chicken, and ramen.

It was so delicious. I loved that mood of Han River with my friends.

My German friend liked it too, and it was nice to introduce good places in Korea.

3. 영화/공연/콘서트 - 뭐 물어보든 비슷하게 답하려고 이렇게 준비함

1. 어떤 장르? 

I really like the movie/play/concert that don’t have to think a lot

Because whenever I go there, is the time I want not to think a lot. So I can space out and relieve my stress.

That’s the reason why I like OO Genre.

영화 → action + comedy

공연 → comedy

콘서트 → musical


2. 앞뒤로 무슨 일? 

Watching a movie requires a lot of energy, and I want to concentrate on that, so I buy something to drink in the middle.

After the movie, I have no choice but to go straight to the bathroom because of the coke I drank during the movie.

When I get home, I often look up YouTube to find out what meaning the main character had in the scene of the movie, what he intended to do, and what the director wanted to say

4. 국내여행/국외여행 - 국내,해외 여행지만 다르게 말하면 되게 준비함

1. 어디 가는거 좋아해?

Oh needless to say, that’s Jeju island / Sebu

I like going to the beach rather than the mountains.

When I first go traveled, I didn't know how to swim, but since I went often, I learned how to swim. Isn't it amazing? I think I'm good at sports haha . Believe or not!

By the way, I literally like to watch the horizon because I can shake off all sorts of thoughts.

And when I hear the sound of the waves, I feel at ease.

And also, the greatest part is the restaurants. How great would it be to eat local specialties at a seafood restaurant lined up in front of the beach?

Eva, if you like mountains, I hope you go to the sea at least once.

2. 기억에 남는 경험

Two years ago ~ I went to London seven sisters / Jeju island with my friends.

At the time of the trip, none of us can drive. But the destination we were going was a place where we had to walk for about 30 minutes from the station.

Because There was no other public transportation, but only by car.

It didn't rain until we went to the destination, but it rained too much when we arrived and took some pictures.

It was so windy that it was hard to stand up and even worse, we didn't have an umbrella.

So we start to find someone can help us, and explained the situation to the couple at that time eating the meal in the car

and asked them if they could drive us to the station, so I carpooled.

Isn't it a unique experience? I can not forget this memory.

5. 쇼핑

1. Where do you usually go shopping, and with whom?

I usually go to the general shopping center that have many kinds of clothes.

Because many brands are gathered, I can get more options.

When I go, I go with my friend or with my mom.

I can go shopping alone, but it's more fun to go together.

I can ask if I look good in this outfit. Shopping is always fun! Money is the only problem, haha.

2. Tell me about your normal shopping routine. What’s your favorite shop? When and with whom do you go there? What are the things you do at the store and what do you do after shopping?

Once I go shopping, I tend to meet after lunch. That's how you have energy.

And you can go everywhere because you shop at the shopping center.

My favorite brand is Mixxo. It's a brand in Korea. Oh wait, do they have it in other countries too? I don't know.

Anyway, Mixxo has a lot of trendy clothes and fits my size, so I like them.

After shopping, I go to dinner to save all my energy.

And after dinner, I can say that shopping is over.

6. 음악

1. How did you first get interested in music? What kind of music did you listen to when you were young? How was that music different from the music you listen to today?

The first time I get interested in music was when I got my first MP3 player.

By the time it came out, a group called Big Bang was popular, and I listened to K-pop a lot and liked it.

But for now, I don't really know k-pop idol singers and not enjoying listening to it.

Instead these days, I like indie singers and pop songs more than that.

2. You indicated in the survey that you enjoy listening to music. Please tell me about the two different music genres you like. Why do you like those music genres? What are some differences and similarities between them?

That's a good question Eva, The genres I most prefer are band music and pop song.

The reason why I like these genres is because during the time listening to music,

I want to get rid of my complicated thinking and relieve stress.

So I want not that heavy, and not that sounds loud music.

And that’s why I like those two genres.

3. Please tell me about your favorite singer or composer. What kind of songs does this person sing or write? Why do you like the singer or composer

I like a Korean singer named IU. I don’t know whether you know she is really famous singer in Korea.

She does music that is calm and that I don’t have to think much.

And her voice is so attractive that I can't get enough of it no matter how many times I hear it.

She is a composer and singer, and her ability to write and compose is also the best.

Like the Beatles, it is likely to be rumored to be the next generation in Korea.

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